オーナー様のコメント:Hi my name is Kev Robey, from Bognor in the UK, I first had a Rogers Black Double bass drum kit in the late 70s early eighties, 2x 24 10 12 13 14 and a 18 floor tom, which I stupidly sold after owning it for 4 or 5 years!! and have always regreted doing so, I did try and track it down recently, but had no luck, Ive always had love for Rogers drum even though Ive played Ludwig for most of the time from the 80s, Well 30 years later!!! this is my Rogers kit which ive had for a few months now, its like being back with an old friend, I managed to get it for a good price from ebay, It just needed a good clean nothing major, its a 24x14 bass drum 13x9 14x10 toms and a 18x16 floor tom I think its from 1979 the tom fitting has been painted by somebody in the past and some of the screws have stripped, so that will need replacing at some time, I am still looking for a 16x16 floor tom if anybody can help me?



