Peter's ROGERS

Owner's comments :

Hello to all Rogers-fans,

My name is Peter van Loon and I am living in Almelo, a city in the eastern part of Holland. For my profession I am a drumteacher at the local musicschool and I play in bands as a freelance drummer.
In 1979 I bought my first professional drumkit: a brandnew Rogers 'Londoner Five' in jet black, sizes 22"x14" bassdrum, 12"x8", 13"x9", 16"x16" toms and a 14"x5" Dyna-Sonic metalsnaredrum. About ten years later, I sold it to a good friend of mine and then I started to play a lot of different drums from Yamaha and Ayotte. And because I am a very big Beatlesfan since I was a kid of course I also prefer to play and to collect (vintage) Ludwig 'Ringodrums'. Six months ago I got the chance to buy again a same Rogers kit with big R's from the late 70s. I just have polished and cleaned up all the drumparts completely... and as you can see on the pictures the set looks really like new. Yes, I am very happy to owe again these great Rogers drums!

Best regards,

By the way, the pictures are made by Jan Joris Nieuwenhuis.

Thank you very much for introducing your cool ROGERS, Peter!!

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