Peter's ROGERS


Hello to all Rogers-fans,

My name is Peter van Loon and I am living in Almelo, a city in the eastern part of Holland. For my profession I am a drumteacher at the local musicschool and I play in bands as a freelance drummer.
In 1979 I bought my first professional drumkit: a brandnew Rogers 'Londoner Five' in jet black, sizes 22"x14" bassdrum, 12"x8", 13"x9", 16"x16" toms and a 14"x5" Dyna-Sonic metalsnaredrum. About ten years later, I sold it to a good friend of mine and then I started to play a lot of different drums from Yamaha and Ayotte. And because I am a very big Beatlesfan since I was a kid of course I also prefer to play and to collect (vintage) Ludwig 'Ringodrums'. Six months ago I got the chance to buy again a same Rogers kit with big R's from the late 70s. I just have polished and cleaned up all the drumparts completely... and as you can see on the pictures the set looks really like new. Yes, I am very happy to owe again these great Rogers drums!

Best regards,

By the way, the pictures are made by Jan Joris Nieuwenhuis.



