
PtoritoQ (Japanese only)
A great online puzzle shop in Japan. You can hardly find an online shop which has more puzzle items. Iwahiro's puzzles are also available.
Puzzlein (Japanese only)
The greatest resource for puzzle information in Japan. Puzzle fans must check their diary every day.They also sell many puzzles including iwahiro's.
Puzzle will be played...
This site gathers data of many kinds of puzzles. As for interlocking and put-together, the data is so large and valuable that puzzlers all over the world continually pay attention to and trust this site. You can access more information regarding iwahiro's puzzles which is not available on our website.
Kohfuh's Lab (Japanese only)
Very well designed site, full of interesting information including many articles about puzzles. They introduce some of iwahiro's puzzles with beautiful pictures.

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Copyright ©2003-2004 by Hirokazu Iwasawa